2018年5月15日 星期二

這件事之所以發生是要教會我什麼 What is this here to teach me

最近看到 Oprah 2008 年在 Stanford 的演講,內容提到所有人都會遇到不順遂,挫折,失敗的時候,不要問為什磨這些事會發生在自己身上,而是問 “What is this here to teach me.” 我覺得這句話很 powerful,讓人在低潮時可以盡量冷靜下來,捉回主權(而不是無止盡的難過跟鬼打牆),觀察自己及周遭的環境,這件事之所以發生是要教會我什麼,把每一個挑戰當作學習的機會。如果你發現了,將快速通過這個課程前往下一個冒險。

     Recently I saw Oprah Winfrey's 2008 commencement speech to Stanford. She mentioned that nobody's journey is seamless or smooth, we all stumble and we all have setbacks.It's just life's way of saying time to change course. Do not ask why is this happening, but ask what is this here to teach me. I thought this sentence is really powerful, and enable us to calm down right away. Instead of being a victim or hitting a dead-end, we get the power back and observe ourselves and the surroundings to learn the lesson that we ignored.



Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

        As far as I remember, the best food I have ever eaten is white radish soup. I ate this in Shanghai WUJIE restaurant. It tasted so fr...