2018年5月24日 星期四

小黃瓜炒豆乾 Cucumber fried dried bean curd


a. 小黃瓜一條 (先斜切再將每一片切三等分)
b. 豆乾一片(一樣也用義美豆乾,切細條狀)
c. 大蒜兩瓣 (切碎)
d. 醬油

1. 熱鍋,將蒜蓉丟進鍋爆香。
2. 將小黃瓜及豆乾丟進鍋裡拌炒約一分鐘。
3. 加兩茶匙醬油
4. 再拌炒約一或二分鐘即可起鍋。

Crispy cucumber is appetizing especially in summer. In addition to pickles, cucumber fried dried bean curd is also palatable.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.

a. one cucumber (oblique slice firstly, and then cut it 
     into 3 pieces)
b. one dried bean curd (cut strip)
c. garlic (mince the garlic into very small pieces)
d. soybean sauce

1. Heat the pot, add some oil, and put garlics into the 
    pot to stir-fry around one minute.
2. Add cucumbers and dried bean curd to stir-fry 
    together around one minute.
3. Add two teaspoons of soybean sauce.
4. Stir-fry all ingredients together around one minute.
    After that take them out and put on your plate.



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