2018年5月22日 星期二
PM 的工作 PM job
話說,一般PM的工作不外乎,制定產品規格(如果是自有品牌),擬定產品各階段研發及量產時間表,成本精算及控制,BOM表 review,以及隨時支援業務及客戶有關產品規格及時程表的問題。列舉大致如下
A. Key components surveying
B. Product spec release / review
C. Project schedule control / review
D. BOM cost review & control
E. Sales support
F. Market trend collection/analysis
G.Cost down solution
Customer : 我們想要增加賣點,現有規格太普通,請加上X
X功能。BUT 量產日期絕對不能改。也請維持原
PM收到客戶旨令後(中槍後),回過頭,再將內容轉述給公司內部 ~
R & D : 怎麼可能改東西不改時間阿,我光重新 layout 就幾天
Purchasing : 我料都備了,那庫存怎麼辦。還有增加新功能不
Sales : 現在客戶願意給我們單子已經很偷笑了,我們應該想辦
PM : .....都是我的錯(再次中搶)但,還是請大家盡力幫忙
I used to work as a PM in electronics industry. All my friends thought it was awesome. Since PM need to realize about product features very well, and also need to constantly communicate with people of different backgrounds. Therefore communicative and language skills are necessary for this job.
Major job descriptions are listed as below.
A. Key components surveying
B. Product spec release / review
C. Project schedule control / review
D. BOM cost review & control
E. Sales support
F. Market trend collection/analysis
G.Cost down solution
Unfortunately, the truth is cruel...
Customer : We want to add some selling points, the
current spec is ordinary.
However please keep the original mass
production date. And also keep the
quotation same as before.
PM : Repeat them to team members.
R&D : What the fxxx. It is impossible to modify it without
spending time. I need time to relayout, new PCB,
and SMT....
Purchasing : We already prepared the materials for
original BOM. How to deal with excess
inventory. New function means new BOM
and cost increasing. How about the lead-
time for new materials.
Sales : We should be thankful for receiving order from
customer at this crucial moment, and should try
our best to meet their request.
PM : ........all my fault....but still need your
great support.....
張貼留言 (Atom)
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