2018年5月26日 星期六

植物性蛋白質 vegetable protein

大部份人以為蛋白質只存在動物性飲食,其實純植物性飲食也可以很容易攝取到蛋白質喔。另外市面上有很多五穀奶(不含牛奶)或堅果類,都是額外補充蛋白質的來源。現在有很多運動選手轉向植物性飲食,甚至像很夯的復仇者連盟裡的超級英雄,奇異博士,雷神索爾,綠巨人浩克,等都採取純植物性飲食。 除了可以攝取到蛋白質及其他營養外,你的身心將會起到正面的改變,試試看就會知道。

       Most people misunderstood that protein only exists in animals. Actually plant-based diet is also full of excellent protein. In addition, multi-grain drinks and all kinds of nuts are also high protein supplement. Nowadays many athletes turned to be vegan. Even the most popular movie stars played super heroes in the Avengers such as Thor, Hulk, and Doctor Strange all chose plant-based diet. Not only absorbing good nutrition but positive changing in your physical and mental aspects. Try it, and you will see benefits soon.

Be veg, go green to save the planet.



Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

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