Before I got married, I loved to eat noodles soup. I loved to eat different kinds of soup with noodles no matter curry soup, tomato with tofu soup, miso soup, or soy sauce soup. But my husband prefers mixed sauce noodles. So I learned some dishes by sneaking a peek at him when he cooked. Here I would like to share the easy version of noodles with veg green onion oil sauce and smoked dried bean curd with you.
Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Veg green onion oil sauce
(You can buy it from chinese super market, but avoid
from animal oil. Some makers will add animal oil in it)
b. Noodles (one person serving)
c. Fresh green onion
d. Smoked dried bean curd.
1. Put noodles in boiling water. When cooked
thoroughly take it out. Pour over green onion oil
sauce and then mix together.
2. Cut some slices of smoked dried bean curd, and put
them in the oven with 100 degrees and 3 minutes.
3 Mince fresh green onion into small pieces.
4. Add 2 & 3 on step 1.
Now enjoy your meal.
a. 蔬食油蔥醬 (可在超市買,但注意不要有動物油成份)
b. ㄧ人份麵條
c. 新鮮青蔥
d. 煙薰豆乾 (可在生機飲食店買)
1. 將麵條加入滾水中煮。確認麵心煮熟後取出
2. 將煙薰豆乾切片,放入烤箱轉至100度3分鐘。
3. 將青蔥切碎。
4. 將步驟 2 & 3 加入步驟1 即完成。
張貼留言 (Atom)
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