2018年7月28日 星期六

How to make veg curry noodles easily. 咖哩蔬菜麵食譜

       When I was an office worker, I did not like to cook. Because after nine to five routine work, it was difficult to feel energetic and not even talk about complicated preparation and cooking process. Now I do not have to work, Therefore I have time to learn how to cook with simple and easy way. 

     For me curry is a convenient ingredient, you can not only use it to stir-fry vegetables, noodles, but also use it to cook with rice, soup, etc. In hot summer, curry can increase appetite that's why smart India people can eat curry all the time. Besides, the curcumin in curry has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. Curry has lots of benefits, therefore today ,it's July already, I would like to share with you how to make veg curry noodles easily.
I hope you can eat healthy and cook easily.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Curry blocks (I strongly recommend this animal product free Japanese curry brand.)  
b. some carrots
c. one green onion (I forgot to put it on plate...)
d. some onions
e. some cabbages
 f. some small dried mushrooms
g. some raw soybean milk skin

1. Wash carrots, onions, green onion, and raw soybean milk skin clean. Peeling cabbages, and also wash them clean. Cut onions to shreds. Cut carrots into slices.
2. Put some small dried mushrooms, and all ingredients in step1 in pot. Add some waters and cook it till boil.   
3. Put noodles in the pot. When noodles almost cook thoroughly, turn off the heat. 
4. Take one curry block and stir slowly in the pot. When the curry block melts, turn on heat to cook one minute to let all ingredients and noodles absorb curry completely.
5. Turn off heat. Take them out from the pot, and put in your bowl. Add some green onion sections in the bowl.
Now enjoy your curry noodles.  

Be veg, go green to save the planet.



a. 咖哩塊 (非常推薦這個日本牌子無動物性成份)
b. 紅蘿蔔
c. 青蔥
d. 洋蔥
e. 高麗菜
f.  小的乾香菇片
g. 生豆皮

1. 將紅蘿蔔,洋蔥,青蔥,豆皮洗淨。剝一些高麗菜,並洗淨。將洋蔥切條,紅蘿蔔切片。 
2. 將乾香菇片及步驟一食材倒入鍋中。鍋中加水並煮滾。
3. 將麵條加入滾湯中,等到麵條快煮熟時,先將火關掉。
4. 取一塊咖哩塊,並慢慢在鍋中攪拌至完全融化。開瓦斯,約再煮一分鐘,讓咖哩可以被食材及麵條完全吸收。
5. 關火,將咖哩麵倒入碗中,撒上蔥花。





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