2018年7月6日 星期五

被負面情緒攻擊時該怎麼辦 How to not let people get you down

生活中總是會有人激怒你,莫名被冤枉,或被責難被討厭。不論是來自上司,長輩,朋友,或黑粉的負面情緒,當下一定很不好受,甚至想以牙還牙。只是如果這麼作,我們似乎又進入負面循環跟那些人一樣。在這裡分享來自 infinite waters (百萬訂閱的youtuber)的建議,希望對你有幫助。

   In life, there are always people trying to irritate you or get you down. This negative emotion may come from your boss, colleagues, friends, haters, or even your family members. When we face it we feel that these people are taking away our sense of well-being, our freedom, and our inner peace. Therefore we are easier to enter negative thinking cycle and want to take double the payback. But that makes us same as those people. Here I would like to share the suggestions which comes from infinite waters, million subscribers Youtuber. I hope this will help you.  

* Without your permission no body can get you down.

* I am giving them power by thinking of them.

* Not as personal as we think.

* Where is my focus.

* People can't control you or get you down when you 
   are in high vibration.

* People try to get you down because they are not 
   happy in their life. They want to bring you down with 

* Once you are confident in yourself, don't even give 
   them any attention. You are better than that.

* To achieve greatness, you're going to be judged.

* You can't please everyone.

* There are more people working for you than against 

* It only strikes you because you've got something to 



Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

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