Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. some carrots
b. some onions
c. some dried mushrooms
d. some raw soybean milk skin
e. some corianders
f . grain rice (I use one cup of rice)
g. soy sauce
PS : I forgot to put raw soybean milk skin on plate...ha ha
1. Wash carrots, onions and corianders clean.
Cut carrots and onions to shreds. Cut corianders into
small sections.
2. Put dried mushrooms in the water for soaking 10~15
minutes. (depends on mushroom size, bigger one will
need more soaking time.) Keep the soaking water.
3. Put raw soybean milk skin into boiling water to cook
around 3~ 5 minutes.
4. Heat the pot, and add some oil. Put Carrots in the pot
to stir-fry one minute. Then add onions, mushroom,
and soybean milk skin in the pot to stir-fry
together around 3 minutes. Add 2 spoons of soy
sauce in the pot. And then take them out.
5. Wash grain rice clean. And put one cup of rice into
the electric rice cooker. Add 1.2 cup of water ( use
some mushroom soaking water) into the inner pot.
Add one cup of water out of the inner pot.
6. Add step 4 into the rice cooker. Put the cover on, and
press the switch.
7. When it cooked thoroughly, carefully take it out from
rice cooker. Put some corianders to mix together.
Now enjoy your flavorful meal.
a. 紅蘿蔔
b. 洋蔥
c. 乾香菇
d. 生豆皮
e. 香菜
f . 五穀米 (一杯)
g. 醬油
1. 將紅蘿蔔,洋蔥跟香菜洗淨。 將紅蘿蔔跟洋蔥切絲,香菜切小段。
2. 將乾香菇泡水10~15分 (我買的是香菇絲,如果是整朵的香菇要再泡久一點)。泡好後,留著泡香菇的水備用。
3. 將生豆皮放入滾水中煮3~5分鐘。
4. 熱鍋,加入油。先將紅蘿蔔放入鍋子炒ㄧ分鐘。接著再將洋蔥,生豆皮,香菇放入鍋內一起拌炒約三分鐘,加入兩匙醬油翻炒後倒到盤子備用。
5. 將五穀米洗淨放至電鍋,並加入1.2 杯水(可用一些泡香菇水)。再加一杯水至電鍋外鍋。
6. 加入步驟4 , 蓋上蓋子,按下煮飯開關。
7. 當飯煮好後,小心將其取出。加入一些香菜攪拌即完成。