2018年7月29日 星期日

How to make healthy sesame paste noodles 如何作好吃又營養滿分的麻醬麵

     Sesame is a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. There are lots of amazing benefits and multiple nutritions. That's why we should eat this super food more often. Here I would like to share a traditional Asian meal sesame paste noodles with you.  

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. sesame sauce 
b. some carrots
c. some cucumbers
d. some dried bean curds (non GMO)
e. two cloves of garlic 
f . soy sauce
g. veg oil
h. noodles

1. Wash carrots, cucumbers, and dried bean curds clean.
2. Cut cucumbers into shreds. Cut carrots into slices firstly. 
3. Put noodles, carrots and dried bean curds in boiling water. After 3 minutes, take carrots and dried bean curds out. Later on when noodles cook thoroughly, take them out.
4. Cut carrots and dried bean curds into shreds. Cut garlics into small pieces.
5. One big spoon of sesame sauce, two tea spoons of soy sauce, some veg oil, and then mix them together.
6. Put carrots, cucumbers, dried bean curds, and garlics on noodles. Pour the mixed sauce. 

Now enjoy your healthy and delicious sesame paste noodles.

Be veg, go green to save the planet. 


a. 芝麻醬
b. 紅蘿蔔
c. 小黃瓜
d. 豆乾 (使用義美非基改豆乾)
e. 兩瓣大蒜
f.  醬油
g. 植物油
h. 麵 (關廟麵)
1. 將紅蘿蔔,小黃瓜,豆乾洗淨。
2. 將小黃瓜切條狀,紅蘿蔔先切片。
3. 將麵,紅蘿蔔及豆乾加入滾水中煮。3分鐘後先把紅蘿蔔及豆乾取出。之後麵煮熟再把麵取出。
4. 小黃瓜及豆乾切條狀,大蒜切碎。
5. 一大匙芝麻醬,兩茶匙醬油,再加ㄧ些植物油。然後全部攪拌。
6. 把條狀的紅蘿蔔,小黃瓜,豆乾及切碎的大蒜擺在麵上,最後淋上調配的芝麻醬即完成。

2018年7月28日 星期六

How to make veg curry noodles easily. 咖哩蔬菜麵食譜

       When I was an office worker, I did not like to cook. Because after nine to five routine work, it was difficult to feel energetic and not even talk about complicated preparation and cooking process. Now I do not have to work, Therefore I have time to learn how to cook with simple and easy way. 

     For me curry is a convenient ingredient, you can not only use it to stir-fry vegetables, noodles, but also use it to cook with rice, soup, etc. In hot summer, curry can increase appetite that's why smart India people can eat curry all the time. Besides, the curcumin in curry has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. Curry has lots of benefits, therefore today ,it's July already, I would like to share with you how to make veg curry noodles easily.
I hope you can eat healthy and cook easily.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Curry blocks (I strongly recommend this animal product free Japanese curry brand.)  
b. some carrots
c. one green onion (I forgot to put it on plate...)
d. some onions
e. some cabbages
 f. some small dried mushrooms
g. some raw soybean milk skin

1. Wash carrots, onions, green onion, and raw soybean milk skin clean. Peeling cabbages, and also wash them clean. Cut onions to shreds. Cut carrots into slices.
2. Put some small dried mushrooms, and all ingredients in step1 in pot. Add some waters and cook it till boil.   
3. Put noodles in the pot. When noodles almost cook thoroughly, turn off the heat. 
4. Take one curry block and stir slowly in the pot. When the curry block melts, turn on heat to cook one minute to let all ingredients and noodles absorb curry completely.
5. Turn off heat. Take them out from the pot, and put in your bowl. Add some green onion sections in the bowl.
Now enjoy your curry noodles.  

Be veg, go green to save the planet.



a. 咖哩塊 (非常推薦這個日本牌子無動物性成份)
b. 紅蘿蔔
c. 青蔥
d. 洋蔥
e. 高麗菜
f.  小的乾香菇片
g. 生豆皮

1. 將紅蘿蔔,洋蔥,青蔥,豆皮洗淨。剝一些高麗菜,並洗淨。將洋蔥切條,紅蘿蔔切片。 
2. 將乾香菇片及步驟一食材倒入鍋中。鍋中加水並煮滾。
3. 將麵條加入滾湯中,等到麵條快煮熟時,先將火關掉。
4. 取一塊咖哩塊,並慢慢在鍋中攪拌至完全融化。開瓦斯,約再煮一分鐘,讓咖哩可以被食材及麵條完全吸收。
5. 關火,將咖哩麵倒入碗中,撒上蔥花。



2018年7月23日 星期一

How to make stir-fry corn 如何煮香噴噴的炒玉米(給我飯)

     This is my favorite dish. I always feel happy and have good appetite when my mother cooks this for me. I can even eat two bowls of rice with stir-fry corn...ha ha. 

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. an ear of corn 
b. some carrots
c. one green onion (I forgot to put it on plate...)
d. some onion
e. soy sauce
 f. veg oil  

1. Wash corn, carrots, onions and green onion clean.
    Cut carrots, onions into small pieces.
    Cut green onions into small sections.
    Cut corn off the cob.
2. Heat the pot, and add some oil. Put Carrots in the 
    pot firstly to stir-fry one minute. Then add onion to stir-
    fry together. 
3. Put corn in the pot, and stir-fry one minute. Add some 
    water, and then put the cover on the pot. Wait about     2~3 minutes then take away the cover.   
4. Put green onion sections into the pot, add two 
    spoons of soy sauce. Stir-fry all ingredients together 
    about one minute. Take them out from the pot, and 
    put on your plate.
    Now enjoy your veg meal. 

Be veg, go green to save the planet.


a. 一整條玉米
b. 紅蘿蔔
c. 洋蔥
d. 青蔥
e. 醬油 (薄鹽醬油)

1. 將玉米,紅蘿蔔,洋蔥跟青蔥洗淨。 
2. 熱鍋並加植物油進去。紅蘿蔔先放入鍋裡炒一分鐘,接著加
3. 玉米粒放入鍋裡一起拌炒約一分鐘,加入水,將鍋蓋蓋起來
4. 打開鍋蓋,放入青蔥段一起拌炒,加入兩匙醬油。將所有食

現在可以享用香噴噴的炒玉米配白飯了  哈哈 (小心吃太多)


2018年7月22日 星期日

因為藝術的美讓我遇見人心的善與美 Beauty of art and pure kindness

因為美麗的錯誤 我們錯過展期
也因為這個緣份 讓我們認識到熱情的策展人



     Due to a beautiful mistake, we missed the chance to visit the exhibition. And because of that we could meet a new friend , an enthusiastic curator. She was willing to display all the artworks and decorations again in order to welcome two strangers' visit. The exhibition was about the exquisite vegetarian foods and jewelry design of master Tomomi Matsunaga. 

     In addition to master's elegant jewelry and exquisite vegetarian foods, she also patiently introduced every piece of artwork from different artists all over the world. And even specially prepared hot tea for two strangers.

     At "Mano" gallery, we not only met the beauty of art, but also touched by the pure kindness.

2018年7月14日 星期六

How to make veg Takikomi Gohan (Japanese mixed rice recipe) 五目炊飯

     My husband recently bought me a new electric rice cooker. Therefore I am eager to try a dish with this new stuff. Here I would like to share a Japanese dish called 五目ご飯 with you. It means different kinds of ingredients mixed together and cook with rice. 

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. some carrots
b. some onions
c. some dried mushrooms
d. some raw soybean milk skin
e. some corianders 
f . grain rice (I use one cup of rice) 
g. soy sauce

PS : I forgot to put raw soybean milk skin on plate...ha ha 

1. Wash carrots, onions and corianders clean.
    Cut carrots and onions to shreds. Cut corianders into 
    small sections.
2. Put dried mushrooms in the water for soaking 10~15 
    minutes. (depends on mushroom size, bigger one will 
    need more soaking time.) Keep the soaking water.
3. Put raw soybean milk skin into boiling water to cook 
    around 3~ 5 minutes. 
4. Heat the pot, and add some oil. Put Carrots in the pot 
    to stir-fry one minute. Then add onions, mushroom, 
 and soybean milk skin in the pot to stir-fry 
    together around 3 minutes. Add 2 spoons of soy 
    sauce in the pot. And then take them out.
5. Wash grain rice clean. And put one cup of rice into 
    the electric rice cooker. Add 1.2 cup of water ( use 
    some mushroom soaking water) into the inner pot. 
    Add one cup of water out of the inner pot.
6. Add step 4 into the rice cooker. Put the cover on, and 
    press the switch.
7. When it cooked thoroughly, carefully take it out from 
    rice cooker. Put some corianders to mix together. 
    Now enjoy your flavorful meal.


a. 紅蘿蔔
b. 洋蔥
c. 乾香菇
d. 生豆皮
e. 香菜
f . 五穀米 (一杯)
g. 醬油

1. 將紅蘿蔔,洋蔥跟香菜洗淨。 將紅蘿蔔跟洋蔥切絲,香菜切小段。
2. 將乾香菇泡水10~15分 (我買的是香菇絲,如果是整朵的香菇要再泡久一點)。泡好後,留著泡香菇的水備用。
3. 將生豆皮放入滾水中煮3~5分鐘。
4. 熱鍋,加入油。先將紅蘿蔔放入鍋子炒ㄧ分鐘。接著再將洋蔥,生豆皮,香菇放入鍋內一起拌炒約三分鐘,加入兩匙醬油翻炒後倒到盤子備用。
5. 將五穀米洗淨放至電鍋,並加入1.2 杯水(可用一些泡香菇水)。再加一杯水至電鍋外鍋。
6. 加入步驟4 , 蓋上蓋子,按下煮飯開關。
7. 當飯煮好後,小心將其取出。加入一些香菜攪拌即完成。




2018年7月10日 星期二

How to make superfast veg congee 超快速煮粥法 (將冷凍炒飯煮成粥)

     Taiwan is hit by typhoons almost every summer. School and work were suspended due to the storm. Most people will stay at home. They were watching weather nowcasting and eating instant foods. Today I would like to share how to make superfast congee by using instant food with you. That's even healthier and more delicious.   

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Instant food 
    ( I bought frozen vegetarian fried rice.)
b. some carrots  
c. some onions
d. some corianders 
e. raw soybean milk skin   
f . soy sauce  

1. Wash carrots and onions clean. Chop them into very 
     small pieces.
2. Wash raw soybean milk skin
3. Put step1 & 2 and vegetarian fried rice in the stockpot. Then add some water to cook around 3~5 minutes to make rice become congee . (Remember to stir continuously to avoid from sticking pot.) 
4. Finally add corianders and one spoon of soy sauce in 
    the congee. 
Now enjoy your meal. 


a. 即時冷凍食品 (這裡分享的是很常買的義美素炒飯)
b. 紅蘿蔔
c. 洋蔥
d. 香菜
e. 生腐皮
f.  醬油ㄧ匙

1. 將紅蘿蔔跟洋蔥洗淨,切碎。
2. 將生腐皮洗淨。
3. 將步驟 1&2 及冷凍素炒飯放入鍋中,加點水煮3~5分鐘,讓炒飯變成粥。(記得要攪拌以避免沾鍋)
4. 煮熟後加入香菜及一匙醬油(或鹽巴)即完成。


2018年7月8日 星期日

Noodles with veg green onion oil sauce and smoked dried bean curd 蔬食蔥油拌麵配煙薰豆乾

    Before I got married, I loved to eat noodles soup. I loved to eat different kinds of soup with noodles no matter curry soup, tomato with tofu soup, miso soup, or soy sauce soup. But my husband prefers mixed sauce noodles. So I learned some dishes by sneaking a peek at him when he cooked. Here I would like to share the easy version of noodles with veg green onion oil sauce and smoked dried bean curd with you. 

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Veg green onion oil sauce 
     (You can buy it from chinese super market, but avoid 
       from animal oil. Some makers will add animal oil in it)
b. Noodles (one person serving)
c. Fresh green onion
d. Smoked dried bean curd. 
1. Put noodles in boiling water. When cooked      
    thoroughly take it out. Pour over green onion oil 
    sauce and then mix together. 
2. Cut some slices of smoked dried bean curd, and put 
    them in the oven with 100 degrees and 3 minutes.
3  Mince fresh green onion into small pieces.
4. Add 2 & 3 on step 1.

  Now enjoy your meal.


a. 蔬食油蔥醬 (可在超市買,但注意不要有動物油成份)
b. ㄧ人份麵條
c. 新鮮青蔥
d. 煙薰豆乾 (可在生機飲食店買)

1. 將麵條加入滾水中煮。確認麵心煮熟後取出
2. 將煙薰豆乾切片,放入烤箱轉至100度3分鐘。
3. 將青蔥切碎。
4. 將步驟 2 & 3 加入步驟1 即完成。

2018年7月7日 星期六

炒烏龍麵 Yaki Udon / Stir-fry Udon Noodles


a. 烏龍麵一人份 (我是買乾的)
b. 青江菜
c. 紅蘿蔔少許
d. 洋蔥少許
e. 青蔥一條
f.  玉米筍一條
g. 醬油 (薄鹽醬油)2匙
h. 植物油

1. 將所有青菜洗淨,紅蘿蔔跟洋蔥切絲。
2. 玉米筍沿直條剖開切後再剖開切。
3. 青蔥切段。
4. 將水煮滾後,放入烏龍麵,煮熟後將麵撈出。
5. 熱平底鍋,放入植物油,將紅蘿蔔先放入炒ㄧ分鐘。
6. 再將洋蔥玉米筍依序放入炒。
7. 加入烏龍麵及青江菜翻炒,加入兩匙醬油,翻炒一到二分鐘

    In summertime we always love light food. For example, compare with noodle soup, we prefer noodles with mixing sauce or fried noodles. Today I would like to share a dish called fried udon or yaki udon. It tastes chewier than other kinds of noodles. When chewy udon mixed with soy fried vegetables, you can't help but salivate. This dish you can finish in an instance but munch on forever.  

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. dry udon (one person serving)
b. bok choy 
c. some carrot
d. some onion
e. one green onion
f.  one baby corn
g. two spoons of soy sauce (thin salty)
h. vegetarian oil
1. Wash all vegetables clean, and cut carrot and onion to shreds.
2. Slit baby corn and repeat it again.
3. Cut green onion into sections.
4. Put udon into boiling water. When cooked thoroughly     take it out. Blanch bok choy and baby corn.
5. Heat the pot, and add some oils. 
    Put carrot to stir-fry one minute.
6. Then add onion and baby corn in order.  
7. Put udon and bok choy to stir-fry together. 
    Add two spoons of soy sauce, and continuously stir-fry 
    around one or two minutes. 
    Take them out and enjoy your meal.

2018年7月6日 星期五

被負面情緒攻擊時該怎麼辦 How to not let people get you down

生活中總是會有人激怒你,莫名被冤枉,或被責難被討厭。不論是來自上司,長輩,朋友,或黑粉的負面情緒,當下一定很不好受,甚至想以牙還牙。只是如果這麼作,我們似乎又進入負面循環跟那些人一樣。在這裡分享來自 infinite waters (百萬訂閱的youtuber)的建議,希望對你有幫助。

   In life, there are always people trying to irritate you or get you down. This negative emotion may come from your boss, colleagues, friends, haters, or even your family members. When we face it we feel that these people are taking away our sense of well-being, our freedom, and our inner peace. Therefore we are easier to enter negative thinking cycle and want to take double the payback. But that makes us same as those people. Here I would like to share the suggestions which comes from infinite waters, million subscribers Youtuber. I hope this will help you.  

* Without your permission no body can get you down.

* I am giving them power by thinking of them.

* Not as personal as we think.

* Where is my focus.

* People can't control you or get you down when you 
   are in high vibration.

* People try to get you down because they are not 
   happy in their life. They want to bring you down with 

* Once you are confident in yourself, don't even give 
   them any attention. You are better than that.

* To achieve greatness, you're going to be judged.

* You can't please everyone.

* There are more people working for you than against 

* It only strikes you because you've got something to 

2018年7月2日 星期一

台北 HERBIVORE Vegan 餐廳 Taipei HERBIVORE vegan restaurant

平日中午,和姐妹一起約用餐。由於先前與老公逛信義新光三越時想說逛完再去miacucina 吃麵。沒想到居然客滿還要在現場等半小時。於是懶惰夫妻倆瞬間放棄等待,立馬google到新光三越有新開Vegan餐廳,於是在ㄧ番轉折後,終於抵達金光閃閃的HERBIVORE (草食動物的意思)。由於太好吃,份量又多(其實應該跟miacucina 一樣是share著吃),於是決定二訪HERBIVORE,換跟姐妹一起享用。

交通上也很方便,在捷運板南線市府捷運站3號出口,出來往右走,會先經過微風信義,再往前走右前方就是信義新光三越A4 館,坐手扶梯抵達二樓餐廳。






      Recently, I went shopping with my husband in Taipei Xinyi area. And it occurred to me that we could have lunch at Miacucina. However I did not make a table reservation for us in advance, the server replied that we had to wait about 30 minutes. Then we decided to come back this restaurant on another day, and find a new one as soon as possible. Finally We googled a newly opened vegan restaurant ,Herbivore, near here.  The food was so fantastic and generous portions. That's why I came back here again to have lunch with my best friend on weekdays.
You can take Taipei MRT ,blue line, to Taipei city hall station. Exit by exit 3rd, and then turn right. You will pass Breeze Center firstly. Ahead of you on the right side is Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A4 building. Take escalator to 2rd floor, then you will see the restaurant. 

I ordered a vegan spaghetti bolognese. The portions were generous, thus I had to share with my friend. The sauce was rich but not greasy. There were vegan bolognese sauce, chopped mushrooms and vegan cheese, made from nut puree, inside. It was perfectly cooked al dente spaghetti therefore I finished it quickly.  

My dessert was lemon tart. The size was twice than normal one. The upper layer was snow white color and down layer was beautiful light yellow. It tasted light and deliciously tangy flavor with smooth texture. Again I finished it quickly.

My best friend ordered a sandwich. It was huge. Outside was crispy toast with vinegar. The fried onions, tomatoes, and lettuce were contained inside. The inside smooth texture was just perfect match with outside crispy texture.  

She also ordered healthy sugar-free strawberry smoothie. Regular sugar one was option, too. The mouthfeel of this smoothie was rich and smooth with sweet strawberry flavor. In addition, it also included some nutty taste. She really enjoyed it.

It's a vegan restaurant. I remember some soups contain alcohol. You may ask server details when you order food. The decoration here is fashion and elegance. Food is delicious. The portions are very generous. You can have both taste and vision enjoyment. In a word, be a veganism in Taipei is so lucky. 

2018年7月1日 星期日

蒜蓉烤茄子 Roasted eggplant with garlic


a. 茄子一條
b. 蒜頭(隨個人喜好,我喜歡越多越好)
c. 醬油

1. 將茄子洗好後先放進微波爐5分鐘。
2. 將蒜頭切成蒜蓉,並加入醬油調味。
3. 待微波好後拿出,較涼時將茄子先對半剖開再一直剖開直至
4. 淋上2,並放入烤箱250度5分鐘左右。

PS : 1.用湯匙刮茄子泥起來吃更好吃,單吃或配飯都好吃。
       2. 或者可隨個人喜好在進烤箱前加入蔥及辣椒。

      Last week my husband taught me to make a new dish called roasted eggplant with garlic.  I can't believe that eggplant cream is so amazing especially with garlic. Just like perfect match. After eating this, I would like to share this recipe with you.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. one eggplant
b. garlic (depends on your taste. Since I like garlic, the more the better.)
c. soybean sauce 
1. Wash the eggplant, and then put it in the microwave oven 5 minutes to nuke it.
2. Chop garlic into very small pieces. And then add some soybean sauce to mix them together.
3. After 5 minutes, take eggplant out.  Slit it, and continue this action till the eggplant becomes just like an unfold paper.  
4. Add 2 on eggplant. Put it into oven and adjust to 250 degrees with 5 minutes. After that take it out. Now enjoy your meal.

PS : 
1. I love to spoon up eggplant cream. It's even more 
    delicious. You can just eat cream only or eat with rice.
2. You can also add some spicy or green onion.     


Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

        As far as I remember, the best food I have ever eaten is white radish soup. I ate this in Shanghai WUJIE restaurant. It tasted so fr...