2018年6月16日 星期六

蔬食鈣含量更優 Veggies with high calcium content


     Women can breastfeed her baby only in postnatal period, and same as other mammals. But why we have so many dairy products and foods in the market all the time. Besides pure milk, we also have flavored milk, milk tea, latte, cookies, cakes, and foods with baked cheese. In order to meet humankind need, cows endure the pain of injection to unnaturally get more milk. After that, no more milk secretion, they were killed to become meat. Actually we can get excellent and effective calcium content from vegetables.

Every 100 grams calcium content (mg)
Milk : 95
Pork chops : 38
Black sesame : 1456
Kelp : 737
Health wheat flour : 830
Mung bean sprouts : 147
Chinese kale : 238
Red amaranth : 191
Chinese mahogany : 514
Rape flower : 92
Dried bean curd : 685
Soy : 217
Wild spikenard : 1073
Lotus seed : 166



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