2018年6月13日 星期三

變身無痕衣架 When you do not have enough hanger for jackets or coats

這是我自己試過的方法,用ㄧ雙乾淨的襪子穿在衣架的兩邊就變身成無痕衣架。哈哈哈 雖然很笨的方法,但臨時找不到時真的就很好用。

   When you suddenly find that you do not have enough hanger for jackets or coats, what would you do. I ever tried to use a pair of socks to wear both sides of hanger. Although it's a stupid way, but very useful.



Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

        As far as I remember, the best food I have ever eaten is white radish soup. I ate this in Shanghai WUJIE restaurant. It tasted so fr...