2018年6月20日 星期三

香脆蔬菜捲餅 Veg crispy rolls


a. 市售冷凍芝麻薄餅(或其他口味素食餅皮)
b. 韓式海苔一大片
c. 小黃瓜一條
d. 醃製素蘿蔔乾

1. 先將冷凍薄餅放平底鍋煎好,放涼。
2. 將小黃瓜洗淨切條狀
3. 將煎好的薄餅先鋪上大片韓式海苔,再適量放入蘿蔔乾,
4. 將放好料的薄餅捲起來,並切段成適合入口的大小。

     Today I would like to share a dish called veg crispy rolls which is suitable for breakfast or snack. One day I did not know what to eat for breakfast, then suddenly hit upon a great idea. I decided to use frozen sesame pancake and then add some rest vegetarian foods in refrigerator to make a veg crispy rolls.       

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Frozen sesame pancake 
(or any kinds of vegetarian pancake)
b. A large sheet of korean type seaweed  
c. A cucumber 
d. Dried radish (You can also choose any kind of kimchi without fish sauce and shrimp paste)   

1. Saute sesame pancake. After that take it out from pot.(Since pancake already contains oil, do not need to add additional one)
2. Wash cucumber and cut it into strips
3. Put a large sheet of korean type seaweed on sesame pancake. And then add cucumber strips and dried radish on seaweed. 
4. Roll the pancake and then cut it into sections. (You can put a toothpick or small fork in each section in order to eat easily.)


2018年6月16日 星期六

蔬食鈣含量更優 Veggies with high calcium content


     Women can breastfeed her baby only in postnatal period, and same as other mammals. But why we have so many dairy products and foods in the market all the time. Besides pure milk, we also have flavored milk, milk tea, latte, cookies, cakes, and foods with baked cheese. In order to meet humankind need, cows endure the pain of injection to unnaturally get more milk. After that, no more milk secretion, they were killed to become meat. Actually we can get excellent and effective calcium content from vegetables.

Every 100 grams calcium content (mg)
Milk : 95
Pork chops : 38
Black sesame : 1456
Kelp : 737
Health wheat flour : 830
Mung bean sprouts : 147
Chinese kale : 238
Red amaranth : 191
Chinese mahogany : 514
Rape flower : 92
Dried bean curd : 685
Soy : 217
Wild spikenard : 1073
Lotus seed : 166

2018年6月13日 星期三

變身無痕衣架 When you do not have enough hanger for jackets or coats

這是我自己試過的方法,用ㄧ雙乾淨的襪子穿在衣架的兩邊就變身成無痕衣架。哈哈哈 雖然很笨的方法,但臨時找不到時真的就很好用。

   When you suddenly find that you do not have enough hanger for jackets or coats, what would you do. I ever tried to use a pair of socks to wear both sides of hanger. Although it's a stupid way, but very useful.

2018年6月10日 星期日

素沙茶拌麵 Noodles with vegetarian barbecue sauce


a. 市售素沙茶醬  (我知道的有牛頭牌跟愛之味)
b. 醬油 (我自己大部份使用薄鹽醬油或黑豆醬油或素蠔油)
c. 麵條一人份 (我會買一大包關廟麵在家放著)
d. 小蕃茄一顆
e. 香菜少許
 f. 豌豆莢兩條
g. 植物油  

1. 煮水,待水滾把一人份麵條加進去。
2. 洗好小蕃茄,豌豆莢,香菜。
3. 將豌豆莢放入煮麵條水中清燙1分鐘即可取出。

4. 1湯匙素沙茶醬,1湯匙醬油,1匙熱水,一點植物油。
5. 將麵撈起 (夾起一根麵條看麵心是否有熟透),放入步驟4

     Today, I would like to share a dish called noodles with vegetarian barbecue sauce.This vegetarian barbecue sauce , in Taiwan we called it "shacha" directly, is a perfect mate for hot pot.  Besides, we can also use it to mix with noodles or green bean noodles. It's very suitable for dead busy office workers, especially when you do not want to spend time on putting on make-up in order to eat out or do not want to spend much time on complicated cooking. You can try this simple vegetarian dish.  

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. vegetarian barbecue sauce
b. soy sauce  
c. noodles 
    (or you  can use green bean noodles to replace it) 
d. one cherry tomato
e. some corianders
 f. peapods
g. vegetarian oil    

1. Put noodles or green bean noodles in boiling water.
2. Wash cherry tomato, peapods, and corianders.
    Cut the cherry tomato in half,  peel peapod's thick 
    fiber, and cut some clean corianders
3. Put two peapods in boiling water, and after one 
    minute take them out.
4. One spoon vegetarian barbecue sauce, one spoon 
    soy sauce, one spoon hot water, and some oil. Mix 
    them together.
    (depend on your taste to add or reduce sauce.)
5. Take out noodles ,make sure the core of noodles is 
    cooked, put them into step 4 to mix all together. 
    Spread some corianders, put peapods and half 
    cherry tomato. Now enjoy your meal.

PS : 放上我之前PO在微博上的成品照片。 
       vegetarian barbecue sauce。 

2018年6月9日 星期六

燒餅夾蔬果 Clay oven rolls with vegetable & fruits



a. 市售冷凍純素胡麻子燒餅 
b. 洋蔥(少許)
c. 蕃茄(3 小顆)
d. 藍莓(隨自己喜愛加幾顆)
e. 蕃茄醬

1. 將燒餅放進烤箱160度約烤15分鐘
2. 將蕃茄跟洋蔥洗好後切碎,加入少許蕃茄醬攪拌
3. 小心取出烤好的燒餅,待稍微沒那麼燙時,用刀子沿燒餅中
4. 最後加入藍莓並將燒餅合起即完成

Today I would like to share a simple and delicious dish, or snack, which called clay oven rolls with vegetable and fruits. It's kind of Chinese sandwich. Even I am clumsy and lazy, I still can do it.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. freezing clay oven rolls (you can buy it from 
b. onion  
c. 3 small tomatoes 
d. some blueberries 
e. ketchup   

1. Put "a" into oven and adjust to 160 degrees with 15 
   (when it becomes puffed with golden brown color, 
    you can turn off the oven)
2. Chop onion and tomatoes into small pieces. 
    Add ketchup to mix them together. 
3. Carefully take clay oven rolls out. Cut it along the 
    center dividing line and open it to add step 2.    
4. Add some blueberries, and put both slices together.

PS : If in your country you can't find freezing clay oven 
        rolls, you can also use toast to replace it.  

Be Veg, go green to save the planet

2018年6月1日 星期五

台北米其林推薦素食餐廳 祥和 Vegetarian restaurant in Taipei Michelin recommend list



    Currently the Michelin guide in Taipei is all the rage. 祥和 vegetarian restaurant is one of the recommend list. You can take Taipei MRT (blue line) to Shandao Temple Station, and walk around 3 minutes to reach there. 

    Stinky tofu is very juicy and tender. The soup is luscious.
The chinese eggplant is also tasty and spicy. Both these 
two dishes are suitable with rice.

Amazing crispy fried tofu skin with ginger and soy sauce 好吃到驚人的薑燒豆皮

        As far as I remember, the best food I have ever eaten is white radish soup. I ate this in Shanghai WUJIE restaurant. It tasted so fr...