a. 市售冷凍芝麻薄餅(或其他口味素食餅皮)
b. 韓式海苔一大片
c. 小黃瓜一條
d. 醃製素蘿蔔乾
1. 先將冷凍薄餅放平底鍋煎好,放涼。
2. 將小黃瓜洗淨切條狀
3. 將煎好的薄餅先鋪上大片韓式海苔,再適量放入蘿蔔乾,
4. 將放好料的薄餅捲起來,並切段成適合入口的大小。
Today I would like to share a dish called veg crispy rolls which is suitable for breakfast or snack. One day I did not know what to eat for breakfast, then suddenly hit upon a great idea. I decided to use frozen sesame pancake and then add some rest vegetarian foods in refrigerator to make a veg crispy rolls.
Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. Frozen sesame pancake
(or any kinds of vegetarian pancake)
(or any kinds of vegetarian pancake)
b. A large sheet of korean type seaweed
c. A cucumber
d. Dried radish (You can also choose any kind of kimchi without fish sauce and shrimp paste)
1. Saute sesame pancake. After that take it out from pot.(Since pancake already contains oil, do not need to add additional one)
2. Wash cucumber and cut it into strips
3. Put a large sheet of korean type seaweed on sesame pancake. And then add cucumber strips and dried radish on seaweed.
4. Roll the pancake and then cut it into sections. (You can put a toothpick or small fork in each section in order to eat easily.)