2018年8月5日 星期日

How to make tasty and healthy soy milk udon noodles. 如何作美味又健康的豆乳烏龍麵

    Soy milk is a good source of protein, B vitamins and minerals. It also helps you to boost your calcium and iron. In addition, it doesn't have saturated fat, and cholesterol. That's why you need to drink soy milk more often.

    I love both healthy soy milk, and chewy udon noodles. Then I thought why not combine these two ingredients to make a dish. So today I would like to share with you how to make tasty and healthy soy milk udon noodles. If you are on a diet, you should try this one.

Here are the ingredients you need to prepare in advance.
a. soy milk (sugar-free, or quarter sugar)
b. cabbage
c. some dried mushrooms
d. some onions
e. 3 cherry tomatoes
f . raw soy bean milk skin
g. broccoli
h. green onions
i. udon noodles

1. Wash cabbage, onions, broccoli, and cherry tomatoes clean. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves.
Cut green onion into small sections. Cut broccoli into florets. Take 3 florets to use in this dish. 
2. Cook udon noodles in boiling water. When it cook thoroughly, take it out.   
3. Add soy milk in the pot. Put all vegetables, and raw soy bean milk skin in the pot. Let it simmer about few minutes until it's cooked. Then add two spoons of salt.
4. Turn off heat. Take them out from the pot, and put in your bowl. Add udon noodles and some green onion sections.
Now enjoy your tasty and healthy soy milk udon noodles.  

Thanks for your attention on this recipe.
Welcome your great advice or ideas sharing about how you use soy milk instead of milk or cream in cooking.

Be veg, go green to save the planet.



a. 豆漿 (無糖或微糖)
b. 高麗菜
c. 乾香菇
d. 洋蔥
e. 小蕃茄 (3顆)
f . 乾豆皮
g. 綠花椰菜
h. 青蔥
i .  烏龍麵   

1. 將高麗菜,洋蔥,綠花椰菜,小蕃茄洗淨。小蕃茄對半切,青蔥切小段。花椰菜切小花。取3朵備用。
2. 將烏龍麵放在滾水中煮,煮熟後撈出。
3. 倒豆漿到鍋裡。將所有青菜及豆皮加進鍋裡一起用中小火慢煮。(讓豆漿吸收蔬菜的甜味)快煮熟時加兩匙鹽巴。
4. 煮熟關火,將豆漿蔬菜倒在碗裡,加進之前煮的烏龍麵,再撒上蔥花就完成了。 




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